This is a blog regarding the opinions and ideas of students, staff and stakeholders of the De Montfort University in Leicester, What it represents, where it stands in society; its position. This blog looks to discuss issues facing the university directly in regard to its values, faith, challenges, what changes can be done including opportunities for change.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
#Active Learning : The Lecture Challenge
My lecturer challenged me to take his lecture for him on strategic advantage to find out what I would do differently as a student, I found that a lot of my ideas are similar to what he would have done. Non-Traditional lecturing, a form of #Active Learning. The basic idea that I had was theory, stakeholder application and personal application. Put simply, the lecture would explain the theory then work by the PEE method and give examples in application to the students stakeholder position as a stakeholder of the university 'an individual who is dependent on the organization and who is directly effected by the actions of the organization'. Then personal question such as how would theory effect your future organization or organisation you will work for
Before embarking on such a venture I thought that I should get some thoughts and ideas from the real world, the students and this is what I got :
The Challenge and The Student Opinion
When actually doing this lecture, we had a guest speaker in, Andy Gilbert from GoMAD thinking, The MD and founder, an absolute genius in my eyes, I am currently reading his book. Never the less I organised the lecture to have strong focus on him. I tried to use his fresh face and awesome ideas to inspire the students to contribute, the man said some amazing things and then it came to the crunch. The theory, when getting Miles' input to explain the theory when implementing my ideas I was met with a strong resistance, it seems to me that the lecture stand was a proverbial wall between me and the rest of the students. I did not understand how students couldn't give opinions to simple questions yet I had the balls to get up and talk to them with the relatively the same understanding as them on the subject and it kind of made me angry.
However after suggestion from Milo, people wrote their questions on paper. This seemed like a breakthrough this was a beginning point to some change in the lecture, peoples opinions were being voiced, there was now a dialogue rather than what lectures tend to be, a monologue and a lot of scribbling.
The questions were mainly about the real world which clearly is what the students were interested in, many were gauging what Andy had spoken about in the lectures
One student asked "are the strategies and forms of management theories that we learn actually implemented into real life business, or is it all common sense"
Another asked, how do you become a good business and motivate others?
And finally, The one that took me was from a question of : What do you want from DMU?
the students question was: A good degree and employability.
My answer and I'm sure Andy would agree is that why is the student saying that the university should make those prospects, responsibility is like a chefs kitchen, if the waiters do not serve the dishes at the right time then the dish will be ruined. Equally if the dish is prepared incorrectly or parts of the dish done at the wrong time, the waiter is doomed from the word go and their the one to look the fool.
Some students don't engage to the world around them and if it is possible, bring that world to them, then maybe they will then take that first step. After all most of us use stabilisers on our bikes before we can truly ride them......
After the lecture we reviewed the lecture
and spoke about the culture of the lecture and things that could be done, Andy Gilbert really does deserve his money as some of the suggestions though simple were so innovative
Also available at
until the next blog, thanks for reading
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Active/Fireball Learning; interactive student empowed teaching philosophy, can it work?
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Challenges Facing Universities Today
Monday, 7 February 2011
Recommendations, looking forward, the wider implications
The future role of politics and philosophy is a critical issue as the debates took a surprising turn in a very philosophical direction. Underlying concepts such as Utilitarianism and Kantianism define a person’s political persuasions and are thus crucial to the formation of strategic solutions and direction. The debate consensus appeared to be strongly in favour of reversing the trend towards detached and alienated individualism and in favour of more collectivism and the idea of a society based upon participation. The philosophy of Aristotle, that no one should be a completely private individual, was referenced several times and it seems as though a theme of Aristotelianism could add a deeper current of thought and distinctiveness to future discussions or social movements born of this debate.
The future role of faith was debated by contributors from a wide range of perspectives with the Bishop of Leicester rightly pointing out the religious origins of Universities in the UK. The question that now seems to be pertinent is whether religious groups will augment social interaction between Universities and wider society or whether, as Marx said, they will distract from the important economic, strategic, political and philosophical questions, fulfilling the role of ‘Opium of the masses’. The Vice Chancellor and Bishop concurred that faith group links were important and it is now time for the student voice to either add vigorous support or intelligent and constructive dissent.
Giving the debate shape direction, energy and most importantly an outcome could be achieved through the creation of a grassroots intellectual collective. Suggestion was made during the student debate that a ‘Leicester Citizens’ movement could be created –emulating the ‘London Citizens’ group. Indeed this would need to go through a intermediary stage of being ‘DMUCitizens’ -or similar- before Leicester Council and the leading stakeholders of Leicester would endorse, support and promote such a movement, however the initial stage has already been initiated as #dmu&me via social network site twitter. Encouragingly there is already a small group of active contributors to this vehicle of communication.
In terms of a direct answer to the question ‘are universities a public good?’, yes! was the overwhelming response from the audience. The policy debate now appears to be: ‘in what ratio should the private citizen and public pay for university?’
Benjamin J Harrison
Saturday, 5 February 2011
The Ongoing Debate...A Summary. By Susan Chomo
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Debate Summary, What do they all think?
Another common theme was the value for money, indeed we are not talking about asda price or tesco value, we are talking about an experience and an evaluation of merits, students said that if they are paying such a large amount they want all they can get for their money, they want lecturers time and attention, links to placements and access to resources, and equally staff say the same, they think that students should get all they can from their degree but also have mentioned responsibility, something not mentioned by students, stating that many students need to take responsibility of their degree and indeed that some students do work hard and get involved in their studies and research but that a fair few don't, and that it should not be up to lecturers to have to take all responsibility. Another issue that fell across the board was the concept of the Commodification of Learning and Degrees, all three debates touched on this idea of the ownership of degrees as a commodity rather than what it is. Other issues were Growth and the wider society.
In light of all of this, some of the remedies that were suggested were conforming, every group said the university needs to act with some form of synergy with each of the factoring groups that make it up. Equally it was also suggested by all that partnerships in the community need to be a focus for the university for a variety of reasons from placements to the good of the wider society something the stakeholders think that is definately not done enough, with the economic climate turning to hurricane like weather and the cuts that are in place all three have mentioned that the university needs to be more economical in its spending.
One thing that I have taken from this was from one of the audience of the stakeholders 'why are we asking whether the university is a public good, when we should be asking whether it is a public great!'
Commodification of Learning
Given the planned changes outlined by the current coalition government, to raise the cap on tuition fees both as a means of reducing the financial burden on taxpayers and also aiding government in its plan to reduce spending as part of its Deficit Reduction plan, concerns were raised by both speakers that this Commodification of learning, whereby a source of knowledge and a process by which young people learn the values and norms of society, would be restricted only to those who are willing and able to pay.
In addition to this, Bishop Stevens raised the issue that by placing such a price on Higher Education, it would lead to a situation whereby those fortunate enough to enter Universities and obtain a degree, would treat their degree as their own, and all benefits from it; such as a career that pays well and is relatively more secure than others, because they may claim to have bore the greater burden.
A further point raised by both speakers it would lead to a more individualistic society along social class, divided between those who are privileged enough to afford Higher education and those who cannot. As a result, citizens within a society will be concerned more by their own fate, than that of those around them. In order to combat this fear, the VC stated that he believed that their needed to be greater communication within communities and forging partnerships to help individuals better understand one another, but to also share any derived benefits and experience gained at University.
The issue of tuition fees is one that presents a conflict of interest for the Vice Chancellor. One the one hand, responsible for dealing with the £40million of funding cuts, and the financial challenges that will follow, the VC would believes that an increase in tuition fees will help to fill this gap. However as Vice Chancellor, his main priority is providing the best platform for students to achieve their potential academically and personally and so he believes that removing tuition fees altogether, will allow the University to attract the best students from all social classes, helping to remove barriers to social mobility and individualism.
Towards the end of the stakeholder’s session, Dr Miles Weaver, the chairperson, asked members of the audience for their views on the statement, which was put forward by Professor Michael Sandel on the BBC4 programme “Justice: Fairness and the Big Society”. “Those who go to University enjoy better pay and opportunities in life; so it is only fair that graduates, not the ordinary taxpayer, should pay most of the cost”. In the show 65% of the audience disagreed with the statement claiming that society as whole benefited from an educated population, and such should contribute towards the cost of higher education. In the debate session between the VC and the Bishop, the audience was evenly split down the middle.
Report Summary of Debate by Natalie Ley
Having asked this question both the VC and the Bishop were in agreement that a university is a community of individuals with the facilities to create the best possible conditions for teaching and learning in order to encourage and guide students to reach their full potential. With support from the staff debate, it is clear that a key incentive of DMU is inspiring individuals to do more than just achieve a degree, an idea reiterated during the student debate, as students have gained so much more than just a degree from their time spent in De Montfort. Friends, sports, experiences, knowledge, failures and achievements were mentioned as part of what is gained from studying at university. As so accurately stated De Montfort is a community striving to prepare students for the ‘real world’ and encouraging them to make a difference, rather than a system of regurgitating information for a production line of degrees.
Credit is due to the staff of DMU for there overwhelming support for the students. There was not one reference made to the needs of the faculties and staff, but merely a discussion on how the DMU experience for students can be improved. This support should be recognised by current students and advertised for potential future students in a road show. There was an agreement across the student and staff debate that the quality and values of the university need to be promoted in order to show future students what they will gain from studying at DMU. This goes beyond tangible assets such as library facilities and computer equipment available, quality of staff and the support available for students within our community need to be promoted and to reiterate the focus of DMU to provide students with life experiences as well as a degree. However this support available should not be mistaken for the sole reason of achieving a high degree classification. Students need to be aware that they hold a responsibility to learn and to motivate themselves to achieving their potential. DMU is merely the backbone of support for students, with an ability to encourage and support you, yet students must take responsibility for their own degree as it is solely owned by the student for their future benefit.
Report – Are universities public goods?
Stakeholders’ debate
Universities duties:
Universities are not degree manufacturers, but they have to inspire people. Universities are the key organisations between students and the state, therefore, it is significant to get students involved in the community and make them aware of the values DMU stands for. Moreover, students’ degree and skills are should not only be used for private fulfilment, but it is a public good.
Values at DMU:
It is important to be/become a value led institution, where decisions are led by the value set, rather than financial figures or resources. It might create a community within the university, which again can help students to reach their full potential. Besides, the partnerships and relationships should be based on common values, not just on contractual documents.
In hard times, like we are going to face in 2012, it is important to have a structure in order to make decisions easier and quicker. Faith groups can build sub structures within the organisation, which might than help the decision making process. It is crucial here in Leicester, as it is a multi-cultural city, where lot of different faith groups can be found.
DMU has to take into consideration that individualism might destroy our society. Therefore, we need to create a community and get involved in more partnerships. Tolerance is a main issue too. We have to be ahead of the changes and think quickly, as decisions this time might have cultural and economical effects. Because of the cost cut, unemployment and how to reduce staff costs is a critical issue to consider.
Another point which was raised is whether university courses have to last shorter or longer? If they would only last for 2 years, students will not have so much debt to pay back after. However, there are certain areas which cannot be studied properly within two year. Moreover, students might do some research and get some (job) experience before entering the job market, which might not fit in this 2 year period. However, considering a 4 year long course raises the question, whether students want to pay for an extra year in order to get more skills and knowledge. It might be the future option, that they can make their master degree in the 4th year of their study. This topic however, might give a reason for another debate.
Universities have to be more externally focused, because communication and engaging with other institutions are key issues. Partnership starts from local level with government, faith groups, schools and universities. It can bring more sustainable life for all the three universities in Leicester, if we put together our resources and therefore cut the costs. Partnerships with local businesses, who might offer placements, internships etc. could inspire students, who will stay in Leicester and add value to the society here. International contacts are fundamental too, as Leicester is a very multi-cultural city. Engaging with children in the primary or secondary school level, might encourage their decision to come to university, so DMU has to keep an eye on these schools too.
Co modification:
There is a need for mindset change that universities are not the organisations, where students come and go, but they have to belong. There is a need to change the current view that degree is the students’ property, they are public goods. Universities have to help students not only to get a degree, but help them to get into job market and get involved in the community. Volunteering is one way of getting students more involved with others ad to get experience while studying.